SHARE/PSC Gas Program

The Salvation Army’s Project SHARE currently accepts applications for a special natural gas assistance program for needy Georgians. When the program began, the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) provided a generous grant of $1 million to assist low-income natural gas consumers served by gas providers (marketers) on the Atlanta Gas Light Company (AGLC) pipeline system. This includes most major natural gas companies in Georgia. The PSC’s ongoing participation enables us to continue to offer service to Georgia’s most vulnerable citizens. Clients who seek assistance must apply through their local SHARE case-management office. In addition to the standard SHARE eligibility and restrictions, the following eligibility qualifications will be required:

Client must be requesting assistance with the account they hold with one of the certified AGLC Pipeline Marketers:

Constellation Natural Gas Stream Energy
Fuel Georgia Town Square Energy
Gas South True Natural Gas
Georgia Natural Gas Walton EMC Natural Gas
Scana Energy XOOM Energy

Eligible clients must qualify as “low-income.”2025 low-income limits. A home of 1 making less than $31,000, adding $11,000 for each additional person.

For the purposes of this special program only, low income will be defined as at or below 200% of the current year’s HHS Federal Poverty Guidelines for household income, as shown in this chart:    —->

Assistance is limited to $500.00 per qualified client household.

This amount may not be sufficient to reconnect or properly maintain gas service, and the client may also present other needs that require attention to stabilize the household. Therefore, SHARE/PSC assistance does not disqualify a worthy client for other sources of aid, including standard SHARE assistance and outside programs such as LIHEAP. *** The SHARE/PSC program will provide assistance to low-income Georgians through regular renewals by the PSC. Georgia Divisional Commander Algerome Newsome said, “The Salvation Army is grateful for this recognition of Project SHARE by the PSC, and thankful for the opportunity to serve more Georgians in crisis at this critical time.”